Card Services for Credit Unions (CSCU) recently announced that Motorola Employees Credit Union (MECU) is now offering its members a full suite of mobile banking services, including Downloadable Apps for the iPhone, Android and BlackBerry, SMS Text Banking and a universal Mobile Browser App, through a partnership with CSCU and MShift, Inc.
“Just as technology is rapidly expanding, so are our members’ financial services needs,” stated John Fiore, President/CEO of MECU. “We’re very pleased to be able to deliver this mobile banking solution and provide members the information they need anytime, anywhere.”
“CSCU is committed to providing more than 3,000 member credit unions with the latest industry trends and services that keep them on the leading edge,” said Robert Hackney, president of CSCU. “As a part of that commitment, CSCU has partnered with MShift to leverage their exclusive patented technology to bring member credit unions a holistic solution that’s carrier and content agnostic. In addition, by leveraging this new strategic partnership and CSCU’s pooled volumes, member credit unions are eligible for significant savings and superior value.”
“MShift is committed to providing CSCU members comprehensive mobile solutions that can be integrated — quickly, inexpensively and flexibly,” stated Scott Moeller, CEO of MShift.
CSCU/MShift Mobile Banking line up is expanding to add Mobile Deposit. Mobile Deposit will be available soon to all CSCU members that have CSCU/MShift Downloadable Apps for the iPhone and/or Android.
Source: PR-USA
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